Saturday, 8 November 2014

Swype - Best 3rd Party Keyboard for iOS 8! Download for Free!

One of the major features of iOS 8 is the support for 3rd party keyboards. When iOS 8 was launched to the public, many 3rd party keyboards were released. I remember testing TouchPal, SwiftKey and few more and at that time I was deeply disappointed. The keyboards were laggy, took way to much time to pop up when needed and it was just not a pleasant experience at all. I stopped using 3rd party keyboards and went back to the Apple keyboard.

However, just earlier this week, Swype went free and I decided to give it a try again. I downloaded TouchPal and SwiftKey as well to give them a test as well. After using Swype for 2 days I think its just amazing. Far better than TouchPal thats for sure. Swype has a fresh look and look wise it is excellent.


Swype also comes with gesture based typing as well and let me be honest, it works brilliantly. I am astonished as to how accurate and precise it really is. Also words that are not found in dictionary like, TheiTeckHq or TheiTeckBlog can be added to the dictionary and when writing these words next time through gesture based typing, keyboard predicts it accurately.

One thing which is missing from all three keyboards is Keyboard Shortcuts. Something that Flesky has. TouchPal never really impressed me. The keys are small and just not attractive. SwiftKey on the other hand looks great but functionality wise its fine!


For me Swype is just amazing and the perfect 3rd party keyboard. It's not laggy and load times though not excellent, is still not bad. The gesture based typing works great and is probably the most accurate out of the three. Swype is free till next Thursday and I suggest you download this keyboard.

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